Blog | Barbados | The Crane Resort

How to Capture Breathtaking Photos as a Solo Traveler!

Written by Brittney Austin | Sep 13, 2023 4:41:08 PM

Embarking on a solo travel adventure is an incredible opportunity to explore the world on your own terms, and what better way to commemorate your journey than through stunning photographs? In this digital age, capturing picturesque moments has become an integral part of our travels, allowing us to relive those experiences time and again. As a solo traveler, you might think that achieving those awe-inspiring shots is a challenge, but fear not! With the right approach and a dash of creativity, you can capture breathtaking photos that will forever encapsulate the magic of your journey.

Know What You Want

The perception of beauty is truly subjective. Knowing what kind of shots you want is essential, if you want to capture them as you desire. How would you like your ideal record to be presented? What kind of style are you into? To avoid shooting aimlessly, gain a general understanding of these concepts.

Find Inspiration

One of the easiest ways to find inspiration is through social media. Before you embark on your trip, be sure to search for your destination on Instagram using the location tool or hashtags. This will provide you with insight into what travelers have done previously at each of these locations. You can see how others have posed, shot, and edited their photographs. In your efforts to realize your vision, consider which shots you would like to recreate.

Pro-Tip: You don't have to limit yourself by replicating someone else's photo. Once you've found a photo that you love, infuse your perspective, style, and personality into the shot. Explore new ways to frame it, discover new colors, and think about the composition of the photo.

Think About Timing and Lighting

Photography revolves around playing with light, and the right timing can make a world of difference. During the golden hours—shortly after sunrise and before sunset—the lighting is soft and warm, creating a magical atmosphere. If you're at a location like The Crane Resort, known for its stunning views, aim to capture its beauty during these prime hours for truly enchanting shots.

Don't Forget Your Selfie Stick

Selfie sticks have revolutionized solo travel photography. Even if you look like a tourist, embrace it because you are one! Traveling is widely regarded as one of life's luxuries, so there's no need to feel guilty about fully indulging in the experience. Set up your selfie stick and capture those unique shots. If you aren't comfortable with that, your phone camera likely has remote capabilities, allowing you to take those photos. Before embarking on your next excursion, ensure you have access to these features by checking your settings.

Bring a Tripod

Selfie sticks are only useful for a limited range of shots. Traveling with a portable tripod will elevate the quality of your content. This allows you to take a variety of photos, whereas the selfie stick is best suited for close-up shots. Traveling with a tripod is not a difficult task. With the right luggage, a tripod will securely fit in your carry-on. Taking a tripod on your next trip will transform your selfie collection.

Ask for Help

Asking for assistance from others won't prevent you from getting the ideal photo. Once you've spotted someone whom you believe to be trustworthy, trust your intuition and share your vision for the shot with them. Set the frame, provide the reference image, and have your camera ready. Most people, particularly other visitors, are delighted to help and snap your photo.

Use Rapid Fire Shooting

One of your best options as a solo traveler is to use your camera's rapid-fire mode for those perfect photographs, whether you ask someone to take them or use a tripod or a timer. Your chances of capturing the photo you adore will increase because you'll have a larger number of photos to choose from.

Bring a GoPro

Barbados offers endless possibilities for exploration. Restricting yourself to your phone camera doesn't always allow you to capture the best possible photos. The GoPro enables you to capture action shots from a unique perspective, whether you're underwater or hiking on the east coast. This is a must-have accessory. One common shooting mode is burst or time-lapse for continuous shooting and numerous image options while in action.

Being a solo traveler doesn't mean you have to compromise on capturing extraordinary photos. With careful planning and the right gear, you can create a captivating visual narrative of your journey. Whether you're exploring the awe-inspiring landscapes of The Crane Resort or wandering through vibrant local markets, the power to capture breathtaking photos is in your hands. So go ahead, embark on your adventure armed with your camera and an open heart, and watch as your travel memories turn into timeless works of art.

Is the allure of Barbados tugging at your heart? Embrace the invitation by reserving your escape at the exquisite Crane Resort. Explore our latest offers and packages at, and start curating your dream getaway. For those seeking photography adventures as solo travelers, contact our Concierge at for the best (and most picturesque!) things to do on the island. Barbados awaits, and your journey begins with a single step!